HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 2 ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST BUFFET Sun., April 23, 8am-11am. $12/adult, Children 5-11, $5; Under 5, free. Eggs, sausage, scrapple, bacon, pancakes, french toast, homefries, coffee & cereal. LAUREL AMERICAN LEGION POST 19 12168 Laurel Rd., Laurel, DE. Open to the public. Held upstairs in the banquet hall. For more info. 302-875-9948. REPAIRS: IPHONE & GALAXY PHONES. SAME DAY SERVICE. RSTATE, 302-381-3167. HAMPTON JAZZ FESTIVAL June 25, tickets - 2pm show of Kenny G & Fantasia - $229. Depost $100 deposit due April 22 Vacation Club - 302-628-1144. Historically Yours TEA ROOM 8595 Hearns Pond Rd., Seaford, For Reservations 302-536-1918 QUARTER AUCTION, APRIL 29TH, 6pm, doors open at 5pm. Facebook “Wings For The Wingates” Ellendale Fire Dept. I&D TOURS, LLC 6/17/23: ELVIS Musical, Dutch Apple + Lunch buffet, $135. 7/15/23: Jukebox Jive at Magic & Wonder, lunch incl., $115. Check our NEW 2023 website for full list of tours. 443-365-4026. Shorin Ryu Karate Academy Spring Special, $39 for a two week session. For more info call 410-430-0457. ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK Stops at Cowtown. Sat., May 6. $58 due Arpil 20. Leaves at 10am Seaford Big Lots. Vacation Club, 302-628-1144 SHARPTOWN LEGION POST 218 Dinners: Wed. April 19, 6pm-8pm, Garden Salad or Taco Salad; Thurs. April 20, 6pm-8pm Brookes Burgers & Boardwalk Fries; Fri. April 21, 5:30pm-7pm Brats & Fries; Sat. April 22, 5pm7pm, Oyster Fritters, Peas ‘n Dumplings & Chicken Salad. 410883-3780. Seaford Elks Lodge - Bingo Every Wed. night. Doors open at 5pm. Bingo starts at 7pm. Food is now being served. Heated black top sealer & crack filler. 302-569-5894. GOT LAND? Meet “THE LAND FOLKS” Thought of selling off spare land for a few home lots to create some cash/savings? We simplify the process for you for free! Only a reduced agent fee applies upon sale. KENT/SUSSEX, DE 302-245-1806 or sales@capehenlopenrealestate. com. OPEN HOUSE Sat. May 6, 10am-2pm. 20989 Sussex Hwy., Seaford Church of Christ Facilities Tour, meet teachers, outdoor fun (weather dependent). Free food (Vanderwende’s ice cream, hot dogs, chips). For more info., lv. a msg. 302-629-6206 QUARTER AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 Millsboro Fire Hall Opens 11am Starts at Noon 1st paddle $7; extras $3 each All In Paddles, $50 Great vendors and prizes! 50/50 raffle, door prizes Lunch & refreshments Millsboro Kiwanis 302-381-2116 WE BUY JUNK CARS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. $$ ANTENNA TV IS FREE $$ Live local news, sports and more. No internet needed. 30 to 40 channels in most areas. Call for free quote. ATLANTIC ANTENNA 302-236-3038 EAST COAST AUCTIONS NEXT Sale is Monday, April 24 at 5:30pm. 34917 Bi-State Blvd Delmar, DE. Furniture, antiques, collectibles, household items, asst of Cats Meows, wooden stools, metal outdoor items, small Thomas Kinkade prints, new items plus much more. No buyers premium. For more info. contact Jason at 302-682-3874; April at 302-8582946 or Melissa at 302-569-8744. Follow us on Facebook for detailed auction listing and pictures. Yard sale at this location Saturday, April 22, 7am to 1pm. SIGHT & SOUND MOSES Thurs. June 15, 11am show. $149. Can pay 1/2 by April 25. Vacation Club 302-628-1144 WE BUY SCRAP CARS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. BINGO BALTIMORE BUS Sat. April 22 to Bingo World. Bus leaves 5pm, Seaford Big Lots. $49 transportation due by April 19th. Games pay $100-$200 some up to $50,000. Vacation Club, 302-628-1144 GREENBRIER SELF STORAGE On Tues,. April 18, 2023 at approx. 10am, on www.StorageAuctions.com. The unit(s) contents will be sold for cash to satisfy the amount of the lien owed in accordance with the Title 25 of the Delaware Code 4901- for GREENBRIER SELF STORAGE, 38373 Sussex Hwy., Delmar, DE. 302-846-2802. #C074 K. Cook, #614 S. Liller, #121 L. Page, #412 W. Somers, #111 J. Success Pete Richardson Auction Sales prauctions.com SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE AND MARYLAND GUIDE NOTARY SERVICE Mon.-Thurs., 8am-5pm and Fri., 8am-4pm at The Guide, 24904 Sussex Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Document(s) must be signed in front of notary w/valid picture ID. Questions? Call 302-629-5060. BENEFIT QUARTER AUCTION & VENDER SHOW Sun., 4/23/23, at the Caroline Co. 4H Building, 8230 Detour Rd., Denton, MD. Doors open 11:30am, games start 1pm. Advanced all in paddle, $30, at the door, $35. Regular paddles $5 ea. at door. Fun & inexpensive way to spend a sunday afternoon. Benefits Upper Eastern Shore of Maryland Oncology Nursing Society Patient In Need Fund (PIN). For more info. & to purchase advanced tickets, call Lynne Gulrich 410-829-7333. OYSTER FRITTER Sat. April 22, 2023 at the Old Time Grill, 37100 Millsboro Hwy., Millsboro, DE. 302-238-7885. QUICK CLEANOUTS FOR QUICK CASH. Houses, garages, rentals & real estate. Call 443-953-5207 or 443-493-0445.