HAVE A COLOR PHOTO WITH YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ON THE INTERNET! 30 COMPLETE CRAWL SPACE SERVICES. Breath fresh air. Sanitize, mold, vapor barrier/ encapsulation, structural repairs. Free inspection. Billy Jack, 302-245-8043. PRINT SHACK, INC. Printing & marketing materials, direct mail campaigns. BBB A+ Rating. 302-629-4430. WILBRAHAM HOME MAINTENANCE Drywall hanging finishing & repair. Painting int & ext. Deck and fence washing and finishing. 302-236-8094. Lawn & landscape, mowing, mulch, trimming, tilling. Milford & Georgetown area. 302-382-4967. CHUNK FREE ASPHALT MILLINGS. Loads avg. 22 tons. $450 - $600 depending on location. 443-614-9065. We also have recycled concrete & coarse millings (similar to #57 stone) in addition to regular blue stone products. Call for pricing & availability. WE SERVICE A LARGE PORTION OF THE SHORE. A. ORTIZ LANDSCAPING & POWER WASHING Free Estimates. Very Reasonable Rates. Grass cutting, New flower beds or renewing flower beds. Yard Clean-up & Mulching. Hardscaping, patios, walk ways. Lic. & Ins. 302-296-8754 or 302-858-8367 Ronnie’s Furniture & House Removal. Move outs/move ins. Cleaning of offices & homes. Call 302-542-9715. M.C.M. CONSTRUCTION, LLC DRIVEWAY & TREE SERVICES DRIVEWAY SERVICES: Asphalt Millings, Seal Coating, Stone, Grading, Crack filling and Patch Repair. TREE SERVICES: Small or Large Tree Removal, Trimming & Clean-up. Call For Free Estimate! 302-260-4008. WE BUY SCRAP CARS Running or not running. No title — No problem. Cash paid on the spot. Call 302-382-5391. FREE ESTIMATES GREAT RATES IN MD & DE O’REILLY ELECTRIC 30 Yrs. Exp. Comm. & Res. installations. BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE Lic. & Ins. in MD & DE. Call for est., 302-381-6058. Landscaping & Irrigation Services Landscape Maintenance, Mulching, Planting. Spring Irrigation Special. hrrogersirriation.com H.R. Rogers, Inc. 302-667-0810 SEE OUR 1/8 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE Hakes Powerwashing 302-362-9846. SEE OUR 1/4 PAGE AD IN THIS WEEK’S GUIDE. Handyman Services: Trash removal, furniture, junk removal, lawn care. 302-542-9715 WANTED SCRAP CARS SERVING DELMARVA PAYING TOP DOLLAR CALL FOR QUOTE FREE TOW SERVICE KROEGER’S AUTO SALVAGE 302-448-1655. Clean up & hauling with truck. 302-542-9730. A to Z Moving and Storage. Call for a free quote for your moving needs. Serving DE & The Eastern Shore. Ask for William, 443-988-2256. RICK EVANS DESIGN DRAFTING SERVICE 302-875-1030. ONLINE BANNER AD - $88 Online rotating ad appearing on every page on TheGuide.com website except the homepage. These ads receive an avg. of 7000 views per day and includes a link to your website. Ad size: 300px (W) x 250px (H). Can be purchased 1-52 weeks. To place a ROS ad, email us your ad information at info@ theguide.com or call for more info. 302-629-5060. DOBBINS CONCRETE We Specialize In Concrete Driveways, Pole Barns, Sidewalks, Patios, Garage Floors, Plus More. Flat Work Available. 302-217-4648. ROOFING REPAIRS: Reroofs, tear offs, gutter & drain corrections from roof water. Free est. Billy Jack 302-245-8043. ALL-IN-SPRAY-FOAM Insulation, chicken houses, new & old construction, residential, pole barns & CONDITIONED CRAWL SPACES. Free estimates. Competitive pricing. 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE 443-480-0633. WRIGHT’S CONSTRUCTION Roofing, Shingles & Metal Specialist, Painting, Siding, Windows, Hardwood Floors. 25 yrs. exp. Licensed & Ins. Free Estimates. Call Chris, 302-745-0204 or 302-629-8190 Land Clearing, Demolition and Site Work. Top Soil, Fill Dirt & Stone. Licensed and Insured. Sequoia Farms, Inc. Call Jordan at 302-381-3499. BAYNARD CONSTRUCTION For all your construction needs. Where no job is too big or too small. Custom homes, garages, roofing, siding, decks, additions, pole buildings, renovations, foundations. All aspects of commercial & residential construction. CALL 302-629-4885. DECKS DECKS DECKS Natural or Composite. Also Specializing in additions, renovations & covered porches. Powerwashing available. Call for free, prompt estimates. 302-258-8933 CUT ‘EM UP TREE CARE OF DELAWARE, INC. 302-629-4655. Professional Tree Care Certified Arborists Licensed & Insured Senior Citizen Discount Visa & MasterCard Accepted Free Estimates. Cleanouts Wanted, Small Demolition, Unwanted Items, Gutter Cleaning, Household & Yard Items, Some treework. Family run operation. If you want your yard nice & clear, call Yard Genie to make it disappear. 302-264-1086. Fresh Start Construction: Carpentry, tree trimming, moving services, gutter & window cleaning, remodeling of any kind. Hardscaping & landscaping, Concrete & Masonry. Anything you need done - We can to it. 302-666-5987 or 302-853-7745. Don’s Grass Cutting Service, Call to Schedule your Free Estimate Today. 302-470-2653.